I Want To Find Funding For Small Businesses, Where Do I Start?
The funding game in business is not an easy one to play. The game is competitive especially if you are looking for funding for small businesses. There are millions of small businesses in the world today and they all need funding for one reason or another. Mom and pop shops, startups, agencies, the list can go on of what makes a small business. And they are fighting for the limited number of small business loans banks are willing to give out.
Banks make it super competitive to receive funding for small businesses. This is because of their extremely high standards to receive a business loan. But it is also due to the highly regulated world we live in. Only 25% of those who apply for funding from a traditional financial institution receive the loan. That means that 75% of those who apply are denied and are left without the funding they need to operate or grow their business. But if you have been denied for a small business loan from a bank, there are other options out there for you.
What are other alternative funding for small business options?
Friends and Family
Your friends and family can be a great tool to leverage when it comes to your funding needs. Who is going to believe in your business more than the people who raised you? Or the people you have grown up with? The best part is that they are not going to ask for collateral, typically, in exchange for the loan.
Business Credit Cards
This is an option for a company that is looking for access to cash quickly but knows that they can pay it off each month.
If you have a business credit card you must keep in mind:
- The risks of losing the card or having it hacked online.
- If an employee misuses the card, what you will do about the additional charges.
- How carrying a balance can will affect your credit score if you can’t pay off the card each month.
- Will the line of credit be sufficient to pay for what your business needs?
Peer-to-peer lending has grown in popularity over the last few years. This is an opportunity for businesses to find people they don’t know who believe in their business model. But it is also important to know the difference in the types of crowdfunding.
As an owner, you want to make sure that you know what you are giving up. Are you offering equity or rewards? Or are you just looking for donations for your business? Are these things you are willing to give up? How much are they going to cost you in the end? Make sure you have considered the pros and cons and know what you are signing up for with this funding method.
Merchant Cash Advance
A merchant cash advance is a good option when considering funding for small businesses, especially if you are a company that generates a lot of their sales through credit card transactions. It is also a good option for contractor-type workers with a lot of clients. These can include construction workers, restaurants, or retail.
This type of funding is done through a cash advance, to get small businesses the money they need fast. At eBusiness, our merchant cash advance takes just three days from the time to you apply and are approved to get you the funding you applied for.
We have made our application process simple. Bank applications are confusing and long to fill out. The number of requirements you have to meet for a traditional lender makes it challenging for even the best business to be approved. That is why we only have two basic requirements.
If you have been in business for at least six months you are half way to qualifying. The other half is that you generate at least $10,000 a month in revenue. If you meet both of these requirements than all you need to do is apply!
Ready To Get Started?
Contact eBusiness Funding now at 305-985-6593 or complete the contact form on this page now.

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Andy L.
“I was tired of waiting on my bank… eBusiness was able to provide me the real cash I needed without the wait. Thanks!”Business